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Rampant Dogs

Paris Grand Slam Full Results
CHOI lost in Repechage, scoring +3 overall
FUJISAKA lost in Repechage, scoring +24 overall
LOMBARDO lost the Bronze contest, scoring +60 overall
LEE lost in Round 3, scoring -3 overall
TAJIMA won the Bronze contest, scoring +37 overall
SILVA MORALES won the Bronze contest, scoring +32 overall
NIKIFOROV won the Bronze contest, scoring +42 overall
KOGA won the Bronze contest, scoring +39 overall
PRIMO lost in Round 3, scoring 0 overall
NELSON LEVY lost the Final, scoring +34 overall
HEO lost in Round 2, scoring -3 overall
PEDROTTI lost the Bronze contest, scoring +21 overall
KIM lost in Round 3, scoring -3 overall
GNACADJA AVARO lost in Round 3, scoring 0 overall
Event Rank
FRA Paris Grand Slam 34th of 40
MAR Casablanca African Open 25th of 27
JPN Tokyo Grand Slam 31st of 38
KAZ Aktau Asian Open 24th of 29
UAE Abu Dhabi Grand Slam 27th of 33
POR Portimao European Cup 23rd of 28
DOM Santo Domingo Panamerican Open 8th of 28
CZE Prague European Open 28th of 39
MNE Podgorica European Cup 12th of 38
CRO Zagreb Grand Prix 34th of 42
FRA Olympic Games Paris 78th of 88
EST Tallinn European Open 19th of 31
PER Lima Panamerican Open 25th of 32
SLO Podčetrtek European Cup 23rd of 29
MAR Marrakesh African Open 22nd of 32
PYF Tahiti Oceanian Open 30th of 30
BIH East Sarajevo Pale European Cup 20th of 28
UAE Abu Dhabi World Championships 52nd of 52
KAZ Qazaqstan Barysy Grand Slam 21st of 41
CHI Santiago Panamerican Open 18th of 35
TJK Dushanbe Grand Slam 41st of 44
BRA Panamerican and Oceania Championships Individuals 22nd of 34
EGY African Championships Individuals 33rd of 34
CRO European Judo Championships Individuals 37th of 41
HKG Asian Championships Individuals 16th of 37
CRO Dubrovnik European Cup 22nd of 32
ANG Luanda African Open 5th of 27
CUB Varadero Panamerican Open 33rd of 34
TUR Antalya Grand Slam 44th of 45
GEO Tbilisi Grand Slam 29th of 44
LAT Riga European Cup 12th of 38
AUT Grand Prix Upper Austria 34th of 47
UZB Tashkent Grand Slam 47th of 51
POL Warsaw European Open 26th of 38
ALG Algiers African Open 25th of 35
AZE Baku Grand Slam 48th of 49
HUN Gyor European Open 16th of 41
TUN Tunis African Open 30th of 34
FRA Paris Grand Slam 53rd of 55
POR Grand Prix Portugal 19th of 42
KOS European Championships Open 19th of 32
HKG Hong Kong Asian Open 29th of 29
CAN Montréal Panamerican Open 21st of 26
CMR Yaoundé African Open 27th of 29
AUS Perth Oceania Open 20th of 35
FRA European Championships Individuals 39th of 45
CHI Panamerican Games 19th of 34
UAE Abu Dhabi Grand Slam 43rd of 45
ESP Málaga European Cup 1st of 31
KAZ Aktau Asian Open 16th of 31
CZE Prague European Open 8th of 35
AZE Heydar Aliyev Baku Grand Slam 29th of 42
BIH Sarajevo European Open 22nd of 34
CAN Panamerican- Oceania Championships Individuals 21st of 33
MAR African Championships Individuals 31st of 33
POR Gaia European Cup 21st of 36
CRO Zagreb Grand Prix 35th of 49
HUN Hungary Masters 28th of 59
PER Lima Panamerican Open 18th of 31
BRA Bahia Panamerican Open 15th of 33
EST Tallinn European Open 12th of 33
ECU Guayaquil Panamerican Open 19th of 31
TPE Taipei Asian Open 20th of 32
NIG Niamey African Open 24th of 31
MGL Ulaanbaatar Grand Slam 41st of 46
CIV Abidjan African Open 20th of 36
SLO Podčetrtek European Cup 13th of 39
KGZ Bishkek Asian Open 32nd of 37
ARG Córdoba Panamerican Open 32nd of 34
ESP Madrid European Open 19th of 39
CHI Santiago Panamerican Open 35th of 41
TJK Dushanbe Grand Prix 48th of 50
AUT Grand Prix Upper Austria 37th of 52
BIH East Sarajevo European Cup 32nd of 39
QAT World Judo Championships - Doha 85th of 98
KUW Kuwait City Asian Open 37th of 38
DOM Santo Domingo Panamerican Open 24th of 38
CRO Dubrovnik European Cup 31st of 38
ANG Luanda African Open 10th of 36
CUB Varadero Panamerican Open 8th of 34
TUR Antalya Grand Slam 55th of 59
GEO Tbilisi Grand Slam 34th of 59
ALG Algiers African Open 36th of 37
COL Medellín Panamerican Open 31st of 37
LAT Riga European Cup 28th of 47
ITA Rome European Open 12th of 56
TUN Tunis African Open 30th of 40
UZB Tashkent Grand Slam 40th of 62
POL Warsaw European Open 5th of 54
ISR Tel Aviv Grand Slam 56th of 70
BUL Sofia European Open 56th of 62
FRA Paris Grand Slam 67th of 67
POR Grand Prix Portugal 35th of 53
ISR Jerusalem Masters 30th of 63
JPN Tokyo Grand Slam 50th of 62
CMR Yaoundé African Open 36th of 42
SEN Dakar African Open 26th of 42
ARG Panamerican Open Córdoba 41st of 51
AZE Baku Grand Slam 32nd of 70
ESP Málaga European Cup 50th of 56
UZB Tashkent World Championships 76th of 96
SLO Celje European Cup 6th of 55
COL Bogotá Panamerican Open 12th of 46
PER Lima Panamerican Open 27th of 41
POR Coimbra European Cup 27th of 49
KAZ Aktau Asian Open 2nd of 53
LAT Riga European Cup 24th of 47
ROU Cluj-Napoca European Open 45th of 64
MGL Ulaanbaatar Grand Slam 70th of 77
ESP Madrid European Open 63rd of 64
GEO Tbilisi Grand Slam 65th of 72
ALG African Championships 9th of 49
BIH Sarajevo European Cup 67th of 69
BUL European Judo Championships Sofia 49th of 97
CRO Dubrovnik European Cup 46th of 56
ALG Algiers African Open 43rd of 53
TUN Tunis African Open 56th of 61
CZE Prague European Open 51st of 70
POL Warsaw European Open 35th of 64
ISR Tel Aviv Grand Slam 45th of 70
BIH Sarajevo European Open 48th of 61